I’ve had a lifelong interest in art and design—before joining Renaissance Fine Arts, I graduated with a degree in metal smithing and worked as a studio assistant for a local artist making jewelry and sculpture. At the gallery, one of my jobs is to coordinate the transfers of art between our locations, which allows me to interact closely with all of our different sculptures and paintings. Here are three that have caught my eye recently.

Gavin Benjamin | Heads of State 17
Gavin Benjamin’s collages are haunting and regal portraits that simultaneously tell stories of the past, present and future. It’s impossible to look at the subjects in his Heads of State series without taking time to stop and engage with them.
Benjamin: View More | On the Wall

Dylan Martinez | H2O/SiO2
At first glance, Dylan Martinez’s sculptures H2O/SiO2, are simply fun objects. Upon further engagement, you begin to question reality versus perception. Why do we perceive these completely clear sculptures as plastic bags half full of water? Place the sculptures in front of a window on a snowy day and now the “water” appears to be frozen. It’s fascinating!
Martinez: View More | On the Wall

Beatriz Simon | Picnic & Blue
Sometimes you instinctively enjoy the visual impact of a piece before asking questions or interpreting its meaning. Simon’s Picnic in Blue is one of those pieces for me. It just makes me smile.
Simon: View More Work | In the Artist’s Studio | On the Wall