Art has always been a huge part of my life. Just looking at a work of art can completely change your mood—what a powerful and awe-inspiring profession to be a part of.
I love getting to share our collection with clients and see them connect with the work on a personal level. When people stop into the gallery for the first time, witnessing the smiles and wonder that art can bring is incredible! Here are a few pieces that have been inspiring me lately…

Carly Allen Martin | Sauvage I
This incredible piece by Carly Allen Martin fills me with a sense of joy and whimsy. As the title suggests, it captures the wildness and freedom of nature through energetic brush strokes. And yet we see order in the balance of light and color—a quintessential part of Allen Martin’s work. I love that it captures the essence of nature, but still leaves room for the imagination.
View more work by Carly Allen Martin

Joshua Brown | Zebra on Dark Night
In this piece by Joshua Brown, a myriad of bright paint speckles pop against the midnight-black background, giving the illusion of a sparkling galaxy and adding an infinity of depth behind these beautiful animals. Brown’s delicate brushstrokes masterfully capture the wispy manes of these majestic creatures, his subtle highlights suggesting their ears with a thoughtful flick of white.
View more work by Joshua Brown

Maura Segal | Joshua Tree
Segal’s work appeals to my inner sense of calm. Her minimalist, abstract composition is layered with intuitively placed hand-cut shapes, to be admired up close and from afar. When you take a step back, the pale pink blocks of color assemble beneath a wandering paper string, swirling playfully through the otherwise orderly composition.